The Perfect Timing: When to Create an Audiobook from Your Book

In today’s fast-paced world, audiobooks have become an increasingly popular way for people to consume literature. With the rising demand for audiobooks, authors and publishers have the opportunity to expand their reach and grow their audiences. But, when is the right time to create an audiobook from your book? In this article, we’ll explore the ideal moment to take this step, as well as the benefits and considerations involved.

1 Analyzing the Market Demand
Before deciding to create an audiobook, it’s essential to analyze the market demand for your book’s genre and target audience. This will help you determine if there is a potential audience for your audiobook.

  • The Audiobook Publishers Association (APA) provides regular updates on audiobook trends and statistics, which can be a valuable resource for authors and publishers ( APA’s annual sales survey can give you an idea of the overall growth in the industry and the performance of various genres.
  • Goodereader, a popular website on digital publishing, also offers insights into the audiobook market ( You can find information about popular audiobook platforms, the latest industry news, and opinions from experts in the field.
  • Additionally, consider joining online communities and forums dedicated to audiobooks, such as Reddit’s r/audiobooks ( This will allow you to gather first-hand information about listener preferences and market trends.

2 Assessing Your Book’s Success
If your book is already successful in print or digital formats, it’s a good indication that an audiobook adaptation could be well-received.

3 Capitalizing on Current Events and Trends
If your book’s topic is related to current events or trends, it might be the right time to create an audiobook to capitalize on increased public interest.

  • Websites like Google Trends ( and Twitter’s trending topics ( can help you identify popular topics and trends. Monitor these sources to spot opportunities that align with your book’s theme or subject matter.
  • News outlets and podcasts that focus on your book’s genre or subject matter can also provide valuable insights into current events and trends. Subscribe to relevant newsletters, podcasts, or RSS feeds to stay updated.

4 Evaluating Your Financial Resources
Creating an audiobook can be an investment, so it’s crucial to consider the financial aspect. Assess your budget and determine if you have the necessary resources to produce a quality audiobook.

  • The Alliance of Independent Authors ( offers resources and advice on budgeting for audiobook production. Their blog and podcast episodes provide useful tips on topics such as cost estimates, royalty-sharing arrangements, and cost-saving strategies.
  • You can also consult experienced audiobook producers or production companies to get a better understanding of the costs involved in creating an audiobook.

5 Choosing the Right Narrator
The right narrator can make a significant difference in the success of your audiobook. Consider whether you want to narrate the book yourself or hire a professional voice actor.

  • Websites like ACX ( and Findaway Voices ( can help you find the perfect narrator for your audiobook. These platforms allow you to search for narrators based on criteria such as language, accent, vocal style, and genre experience.
  • You can also request auditions from potential narrators to ensure they are the right fit for your book. This will help you gauge their performance and ensure that they can convey the tone and emotion of your story effectively.

6 Planning for Marketing and Promotion
To ensure the success of your audiobook, it’s crucial to plan for marketing and promotion well in advance.

  • BookBub ( and BookSweeps ( are platforms that can help you promote your audiobook to a wider audience. These services offer promotional deals and giveaways to attract potential listeners and generate buzz around your audiobook.
  • Develop a social media strategy to engage with your audience and share updates about your audiobook. Consider creating audio snippets or teasers to give potential listeners a taste of your audiobook’s content and narration style.

7 Exploring AI-driven Audiobook Creation
With advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and text-to-speech (TTS) technology, creating an audiobook has become more accessible and cost-effective. AI-driven platforms like Speechki ( offer an alternative to hiring a professional voice actor or narrating the book yourself.

  • Speechki and similar platforms utilize advanced TTS algorithms to convert your book’s text into natural-sounding speech. These platforms offer various voice options, allowing you to choose the most suitable voice for your audiobook.
  • AI-driven audiobook creation can be a more budget-friendly option, making it ideal for authors and publishers who want to test the audiobook market without a significant investment.
  • However, it’s essential to consider the potential trade-offs when using AI-generated voices. While AI-generated voices have improved significantly, they may still lack the emotional nuance and expressiveness that a skilled human narrator can provide. Carefully weigh the pros and cons of using an AI-generated voice for your audiobook.


In summary, the right time to create an audiobook from your book depends on various factors, including market demand, your book’s success, current events and trends, financial resources, narrator selection, marketing plans, and the availability of AI-driven audiobook creation platforms. By considering these factors and using the resources mentioned in this article, you can make an informed decision on the perfect timing for your audiobook.


Audiobook Publishers Association:
Amazon Charts:
New York Times Best Seller List:
Google Trends:
Findaway Voices:
Alliance of Independent Authors:
Reddit’s r/audiobooks:


Dima Abramov, CEO at Speechki
Mitchell Kim, CGO at Speechki

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